
HPN - Dallas Statement of Purpose

Our goal is to network with and connect Believers in the Entertainment Industry; to pray for their specific needs, both locally and globally.  Ultimately network the Body of Believers in media and film and to be a light in the darkness.
We stand behind HPN’s vision to invite God to do a miraculous work in the Global Entertainment Industry through touching the hearts of Christians in media, as well as the people who do not know Him, and the audience around the world.
We have been praying for Hollywood and the Entertainment industry for years and through those prayers, God has revealed the move of His Spirit.  We believe that many are on the cusp of something big.  It’s as if there is a wave forming far out at sea, a tsunami, and this wave is heading to shore building along the way.  We see this wave as a move of God in the area of Media, Film, and the Entertainment Industry for Believers.  Many in the Body of Christ who are being called and are stepping forward, will find themselves upon this wave; those God is using to lead the way.  We already see this with films such as “Facing the Giants”, “Fireproof” and numerous others films coming out such as “Beyond the Farthest Star” and “Seasons of Gray”, which are local films.  The move of God has started due to the prayers of HPN, Master Media and all those who have been moved by His Spirit to intercede in prayer for Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry.  Just like the wave far out at sea, building over time, becoming stronger and faster until it spills out over the whole entertainment industry...We believe that time is now!
Please contact us if you would like to join our prayer team or, if you are in the Dallas entertainment industry and would like for us to pray for you.  We invite all individuals, groups and churches to pray for Hollywood…the world’s most influential mission field.